Peer Reviewers

Peer review is a review of your PhD thesis by a panel of members before the actual review by the committee of professors. This means that they will review your PhD thesis as it would be reviewed by the university committee. A peer review is highly recommended and very important because it ensures that any gaps that need to be filled should be taken care of before the actual review. Peer review also includes a review of the PhD thesis in terms of its editing and sentence correction suggestions.

Scholars around the globe seek peer review of their PhD thesis to ensure that there are no last minute changes or errors that will be highlighted during the PhD defense session. This also enables them to face their committee review with more confidence and come out with a winning face. The peer review also ensures that the scholars are guided by the questions that they may face during the actual review and therefore, be prepared beforehand. Hence, the scholars must get the peer review of their PhD thesis before facing the actual review by the committee.